Sarah J Sharpe, MAMA, 2020
Sarah J Sharpe, You are beautiful, 2020
Sarah J Sharpe, Unite, 2020
Artist Statement
Not long after attending the protest, my small child asked if we could go again to “Save the World”. I told her I would paint for her and MAMA was born. She is an amazing little girl. She is a 4 year old Saudi American and I painted ‘MAMA’ because I am terrified someday she will have to keep fighting the same battles we as a populous have been fighting for generations. George Floyd called out for his mother as well and I will personally never forget as a mother.
You are Beautiful was an afternoon in the park before I walked to sit with the crowd of BLM. It was simply a reminder that “You are beautiful just the way you are. Natural and free.”. I tell all my friends and children they are beautiful and amazing people because they are. So many people don’t hear it enough and I think it is very important to be reminded when so many are fighting. Black lives matter. They are beautiful. They are human.
When protests began in my city, I didn’t want to show up without a sign. I created UNITE the day before I went to the protest. Black Lives Matter. Inspiring the fist while blood is laid with the background because while unity is the goal, lots of blood has been shed on the path to end racism and police brutality.