Miguel Ángel Bravo Zenteno
Location: National Museum of Mexican Art
Hometown: Monterrey, Mexico
Sponsored by: Gobierno del estado de nuevo leon en la Ciudad de México.
Miguel Ángel Bravo Zenteno is a Mexican artist born on July 26, 1975. Since childhood, he had a talent for drawing, leading him to study painting and human figure drawing. He later pursued a degree in visual arts at the Instituto de Artes Plásticas of the State of Puebla.
He taught art classes and courses at the Escuela Libre de Diseño y Arte Bauhaus in the city of Puebla.
He has held nine solo exhibitions in different states of the Republic and participated in ten group exhibitions in Puebla, Mexico City, Tlaxcala, Querétaro, and Cuernavaca, Morelos.
He has won several competitions, notably the “Ecology and Technology Competition of Tecno-German” in 1994, held in Mexico City.
His work is part of various collections, including the Fondo para la Plástica Poblana, the Periódico Síntesis collection, and private collections.
He is currently working on his series "Journeys and Encounters."
Title of Work: Fuerza Regia
Description of work: This monumental head uses symbolism to represent the State of Nuevo León, as well as its capital, Monterrey. The work is divided into four parts:
1. The face of the monumental head represents the metallurgical industry, which reflects the importance of the industrial development of the State. The forehead of the Olmec titan has the image of the Cerro de la Silla as the indisputable symbol of the capital of Nuevo León. Above it is the red sun, belonging to the coat of arms of the city of Monterrey.
2. The right side represents the northern woman, reflecting the feminine side of the State; that is, the beauty of the flora and fauna with the presence of animals such as an ocelot, a cardinal and a peregrine falcon.
3. The left side contains the effigy of an indigenous native, similar to the one printed on the coat of arms of the city of Monterrey. The image represents masculine strength and the development of the industry, highlighting the automotive, cement and metallurgical sectors .
4. The nape reflects the folklore of royal music, dance and traditions, represented with a musician playing the accordion, accompanied by a black bear representative of the Neoleonese fauna based on the map of the State of Nuevo León.
The work is framed with the air, the blue sky and symbols of the word and dialogue, thereby reflecting the State in full development and progress.

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Timeline of Events
Artists in Mexico have begun painting and 15 national artists will arrive in May of 2024 to paint 15 heads here in DuPage County on-site at the McAninch Arts Center at College of DuPage. This exciting international exhibition has already begun and will be completed in June of 2024.

Get Involved!
Artists can only participate by way of a sponsorship. Local, state and private institutions in the US or Mexico are invited to join in this unique opportunity to showcase modern-day murals reflecting Mexican American culture and regional interpretational art. We are confident that by participating in this project as a sponsor, you will be fulfilling the mission of your organization. Sponsors will be a part of a once in a lifetime opportunity to collaborate with multiple entities and organizations around North America, which can bring more awareness and support to your organization’s efforts. We are working together for one cultural, artistic, and educational purpose that will bring so many people together in a very unique way. Additionally, you will be supporting one of your local artists taking part in a major career opportunity that promises unique experiences, enhancement of their artistic skills, and a chance to display their talents on a monumental canvas. What an amazing opportunity!