Found/Made: 2015 Studio Art Faculty Exhibit

December 3, 2015 - January 23, 2016

Found/Made is an exhibition of work by College of DuPage adjunct studio art faculty.  For this exhibition faculty were asked to display an existing object alongside their work that they felt related to that work in some way. Ranging from found postcards to student paintings these items provide insight into each artists works, interests and broader studio practices.

Featuring work by:
Greg Binder, Ann Blaas, Miles Boone, Peter Bosy, Benjamin Buchenot, Robert Buitron, Alexandra Eiva, Adam Fotos, Karl Fresa. Magalie Guerin, Dan Gunn, Seth Hunter, Katherine Jost,  David Linneweh, Nazafarin Lotfi, Cherith Lundin,  Lily Mayfield, Min Pak, Teresa Parker, Russell Phillips, Kate Pszotka, Gary Schirmer, Christopher Schneberger, Michael Taylor, Olivia Schreiner, Paul Shukin and Don Southard.
