Creating A Career

March 2, 2020
Interior Design Open House Event — March 5, 6-8pm.

The students in the College of DuPage, Interior Design Program have culminated their coursework with a project which demonstrates their ability to create functional solutions, presented in a format that clients can embrace. These projects showcase the design and technical skills that our students possess, allowing them to gain employment in a competitive field.

Participating Designers: Claire Pai, Emily Bruere, Emily Barry, Celes Leonard, Tuba Qerimi, Martino Flores, Michelle French, Ai Matsuyama, Cat Hewett, Kelly Cone, Jess Leeper, Magan McCarthy, Karla Ortigas, Ursula Sharp, & Jill Hecker

Creating a Career opens on Monday March 2nd, overlapping with the Interior Design - Open House Event on Thursday 5th March from 6-8pm.