Frida and the Animal Self

College of DuPage (COD) Art History Professor David Ouellette explores the dominating theme of animals in Kahlo’s work. Kahlo was known for her love of animals, giving a home to many at the Casa Azul, and they also took on symbolic meaning in her paintings.

The animal subject features prominently in several self-portraits produced by Frida Kahlo between 1937 and 1946. Considering these works, including 1945’s “Self-portrait with Changuito” on display as part of the Frida Kahlo: Timeless exhibition, alongside Marx’s theory of species-being (gattungswesen), reveals how animals were both companions and important markers of identity for the artist.


Adriana Zavala Lecture on Frida Kahlo


Exhibition Overview, Frida Kahlo: Timeless